Andre Hazel – Live Music

25 september - 18:00 - 22:00 / Andre Hazel
Foodhall Scheveningen Andre Hazel

André Hazel is live again

It is time again for André Hazel to hit the stage.

He will be performing live at Foodhall Scheveningen,

situated on the world-renowned boulevard of the beach at Scheveningen.

After a month of absence, he is performing live again.

Inside with variety of food

At Foodhall Scheveningen there is a variety of delicious food and beverages to choose from.

From hamburgers to Mexican food, you will not be disappointed in the options that are available at the food hall.

André Hazel will be performing live in the middle of the food hall while you enjoy your day.


This event will take place on Saturdays at the end of the Summer.

André Hazel is performing on the 25th of September 2021.

He will start to perform live at 17:45.


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